The best image transfer technique I have discovered is by using a Chartpak blender marker and a copy. It has to be a dry toner transfer copy and it HAS to be a Chartpak marker. That is because
Chartpak, which makes markers for the graphic design industry uses Xylol in its clear blending marker. You can purchase these markers either a good art supply store that caters to the professional (such as Pearl Paint, Utrecht, Sam Flax's or Lee's Artist supply stores) or you will have to purchase them online, usually through Dick Blick's or one of the suppliers mentioned above. Unfortuately, Primsacolor clear blender will not work because it is not made with the Xylol. You can always purchase the chemical at hardware stores, but it is flammable and you really don't need OUNCES of the stuff (or pints or gallons) to produce crisp, clean transfers.
The dry toner copies work best, preferably the black and white ones, when they are fresh, but color ones will transfer too. (Do not use ink jet copies. Those can be transferred to another paper using water.) Take the copy and put it face down on the receiving paper. Rub it with the Chartpak marker until the paper is saturated but not soaked. Then burnish a minute or two with a wooden spoon, bone folder, or a burnisher (yes, I own one from my graphic design days.) Carefully, lift and see if the design has transfered, and then let it dry.
Warning: this transfer method is rather odorous and it is really not good to do more than one or two transfers at a time, preferably not around small children or pets. The fumes can be quite overpowering (think nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol.) If you have respiratory problems or are sensitive to smells there are other transfer methods you can do that don't produce noxious fumes (like water transfers of ink jet prints or packing tape transfers.)
I prefer to use black and white copies for this method as they give me an outline to color in. You also might want to use artist tape to hold the transfer in place before you start the process because if you move the copy while bunishing the transfer will smear.