What is a skin? A skin is dried acrylic paint peeled off a surface such as glass or plastic. One of the great things about acrylic paint is its ability to leave a coating very similar to latex on a surface. If you get acrylic paint on your hands, instead of just washing off, like watercolor, it peels off. That is because acrylics are pigments mixed in a polymer plastic base. The base prevents the pigments from fading and enables the colors to stay true. But you can also get acrylic mediums, with no pigment, just to add texture and volume. If you take plain medium and put it on a non-porous surface, leave it to dry, you can peel off. Then, you can use medium to add it to a collage. I am using Yupo paper, which is not really a paper at all but high density plastic that is used for labels, banners, etc. It is printable and waterproof. It takes a little time to peel the skin off, and the skin has to be pretty thick, but I got one off. With another, I am putting a couple of coats of clear digital ground on it and see what it produces when I run it through the printer.