My clothes washer broke down this summer. It was a front loader that was only 7 years old. I was amazed that it fell apart in less than 10 years. I was even more amazed that it cost me $169 for someone to come out and tell me that it was going to cost $450 to get it fixed. Even he admitted that it was going be cheaper and easier to buy a new washer.
We have top-loading washers in my townhouse community for every one to use, but unlike landromats, they just aren't clean. There is no one to really maintain them on a regular basis. There is only a phone number to call if something is wrong. And top-loaders just really do not get the clothes clean, in my opinion.
So now I go to laundromats. The one I prefer is actually a 20 minute drive away, but they have front loading machines of every size. Even a couple of them are so big that they can wash two or three quilts. The machines are kept clean and are pretty efficient. My only complaint is that they don't spin well enough to get out all the water.
In some ways, going to a laundromat is annoying because I have to bring everything and drive and unload and wash and fold and reload and then drive back. But it is also social and I get everything done in two hours - everything. No doing load after load. And I can bring the big stuff too, like bedspreads to be washed. I also get fascinated by watching the clothing go around...
But now there's already new dirty laundry to wash. It is never really finished is it? I think the dirty laundry breeds while we sleep.
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