Sunday, May 24, 2009

The $800 Cat Bed

There's a reason there's a big divot in the middle of my futon. His name is Ali Baba. Al for short. I purchased this high-end futon bed 5 years ago 6 months after I moved in. Prior to that, I was sleeping on an air mattress because I decided my previous futon bed was too uncomfortable. An air mattress can be more uncomfortable. I had purchase this wonderful, hand made futon bed at a local shop. The mattress is about 12 inches thick. I expected it to flatten down over time and need periodic flipping, as futons need. But I didn't anticipate how heavy the futon was. I also didn't anticipate what the weight of 20lbs in the same spot would do after a few years. There's a nice size divot in the bed, now, perfect for Al. He's managed with time and patience to create for himself a wonderful cat bed. In the process, I lost a comfortable place to sleep. Luckily, I have recently purchased a new bed which should be delivered soon. And then the cat can have his $800 cat bed all to himself downstairs in the living room. Of course, I purchased a mattress and box spring set with a 10 year warrantee. It better be cat proof.

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